Vanity is generally not considered a noble personal quality. When patients come to me seeking cosmetic improvement, sometimes they feel conflicted because they feel they should not be vain. They […]
I Fix Faces
When I meet people in a casual setting, too often, peoples eyes glaze over when I tell them what I do. The official explanation is quite long and complicated: […]
Dysport® and Botox Injections in New York and New Jersey
Let’s just call it like it is, BOTOX has been around so long that it seems like forever! This go-to anti-aging solution has been used worldwide in both medical and […]
It’s OK to Pull Your Needs off the Back Burner!
Most men and women today lead incredibly busy lives. They may be taking care of children as well as aging parents and demanding jobs. With the hectic nature of today’s […]
Brow Lift or Blepharoplasty?
Your eyebrows have a significant impact on your overall appearance. No matter how you shape or fill them, these facial features can be a source of concern if they are […]
Could Botox be your Key to Younger Looking Eyes?
The signs of aging may first develop around the eyes. Fine lines, wrinkles, sagging, and other concerns may begin to occur as early as the late twenties, gradually becoming more […]
Preventing And Reducing Wrinkles Around The Eyes
Wrinkles around your eyes can make you look sad, tired, or old, but fortunately there are a number of things you can do to prevent and reduce wrinkles around your […]
Reconstructive Eyelid Surgery
Blepharoplasty And Your Options
As people get older, skin becomes looser and begins to sag. This can be particularly problematic around the eyes. Weaker, sagging skin can make you look tired, stressed, and old—and […]
Collagen 101
What is collagen? Collagen is an important protein that is found throughout your body. It is the main component of connective tissue. Collagen can be found in ligaments, bones, tendons, […]